Sean Patrick Richards Award
In the summer of 2023, we tragically lost our beloved Sean Patrick Richards at the tender age of 14. While we knew Sean as a teammate and Junior Harriers Coach, he was so much more. First and foremost, he was a loving son, amazing brother and caring friend to all. Sean was a gentle soul, with a unique understanding of kindness and friendship. He was sunshine, goodness and a positive influence on everyone around him. Sean was full of joy and wonder and gave love freely to everyone he met. He was always sincere, earnest and humble. He loved to smile, and his laugh was infectious.
Our Junior Harriers were blessed to have Sean serve as their coach, and they truly loved him. Every coach has their own style and approach. We loved how Sean coached our young athletes. Each practice, he checked in our 3rd grade boys with kind words and a soft smile, making them feel welcome and at home. As he ran with the kids, Sean brought wonderful positive energy that made the young runners feel that they were capable of anything.
Sean was a tremendous young man filled with compassion, sincerity and love. We’re always going to remember him, and we’re going to continue to pay tribute to him by recognizing a few of his many wonderful gifts with the Sean Patrick Richards Award. This award is not a recognition for being the fastest runner. Rather, it is a recognition of great qualities that Sean embodied so well:
Dedication * Kindness * Perseverance * Encouragement
2024 Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2024Â recipients of the Sean Patrick Richards Award:
RJ, Clio, Jocelyn and Luke.
2023 Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2023 recipients of the Sean Patrick Richards Award:
Dominick L, Quinn K, Lindsey B, and Ilyaas H.